may have the ideal weight is just wishful thinking. But it should not be the case. Though not easy, lose weight tetep can do. Then how do I lose weight fast is it? do the following.
1. Drink water before eating
According to the study, drinking water before a meal is very potent in losing weight. Why is this so? consume water before the meal turned out to be able to give the effect of satiety, which in the end will make you reluctant to devour the food in large portions, or even you do not touch the food at all.
Sometimes, when the hungry we will directly take a spoon and eat the rice rushed along with a side dish-the giant, or even looking for foods that are high in calories. In fact, it may just be that you feel it is thirsty rather than hungry. So, when the condition of hunger strikes, you'd better fix it with drinking water.
2. do not forget breakfast
A lot of people who thought the way fast slimming body by reducing the daily meal rations such as absent. In fact, it will make you hunger and plenty of eating snacksthroughout the day, especially when the body begins to feel hungry due toshaking.
Therefore, make sure you always have breakfast in the morning. For example, eating boiled eggs and a banana, or low-fat milk and a piece of bread, and don't forget the fruit juice that contains various nutrients such as fiber and vitamins.
3. Eat in small portions
You can use a plate or bowl is much smaller than usual when eating. This kind of trivial habits proved to be able to get used to eat in small portions, which means the number of calories in the body so reduced.
Despite the packed in little portions, you can actually still full provided that eatingmore slowly. Eating slowly can stimulate the brain that we are already full.
Eat in small portions (3-4) times a day it would be better to lose weight, you feed ina large portion though is only 3 times a day.
4. the appropriate food consumption
The best weight loss foods for you is a high-protein food and fibrous foods. Protein can make the body feel full longer. In addition, the protein can help burn the fat in the body. Konsumsilah food sources of protein such as egg whites, yogurt, leanmeat, seafood, cheese, soy, and nuts.
Fibrous foods can also make the body more long loaves, but lower in calories. Foods high in fiber can ye consumption among other fruits, vegetables, seeds, popcornwithout butter, and nuts. Don't forget to add the chili when feeding in order to satisfy their tastes. According to research, foods that satisfy our taste buds can preventa lot of eating.
5. no need to hate food
Ye goes without hating the food that you actually like. If you stay away from these foods, you will be more eager to melahapnya. So, the key is not to keep away, but you should know the normal mengonsumsinya so that the body is not fat.
As an example of the nih, you love to eat snack pastries. Now you can buy it in number of units, instead of setoples. Simple things like this can make you not excessive amounts of mengonsumsinya.
6. sleep enough
Our bodies basically can produce hormones that can spur us to greater appetite (ghrelin hormone) when lack of sleep. This could trigger a rise in weight.
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